2023 Author Expo Author

D. Franklin Bradley
Book Title:
A Bridge for Troubled Souls
Author Bio:
D. Franklin Bradley is a survivor. Having endured a tough childhood, he then went on to lose his marriage of 30 years because of poor choices. David spent 21 years in law enforcement only to retire with PTSD. Surviving these hardships enabled him to become what he calls a Hope-Warrior.
David is stubbornly on fire with this message of hope. He knows from both sides of the gun, the danger of suicidal depression. He is a fighter now in the sense of striving to get off the ropes when life puts him there. His life’s mission is to share the survival skills he has learned.
He is also a spiritual seeker, a Christian who is not content with the mere trappings of religion, but hungry for the presence of God. He feels it’s his duty to put forth the truth about the value of the human soul - souls for whom he believes the Son of God died to save.
David's spiritual therapy is found in the writings of C. H. Spurgeon, and also in motorcycling. He often rides to his favorite coffee shop in Athens, GA.